
Szewska is a recent arrival to intaglio printmaking techniques but already an enthusiastic advocate for these related forms. Aquatint is a particular favourite. She loves the process of making fine marks in the surface of a plate that can hold ink. Typically, the plate is inked, then passed through a printing press together with a […]

Silent Letters

Created in letterpress by Szewska for the forthcoming ‘Out of sight’ exhibition

Created in letterpress by Szewska for the forthcoming ‘In Silence’ exhibition by a team of Masters students from across the Royal College of Art, February 2024. The work dramatises the unspoken experiences of those who face coercive control on a daily basis. The outcomes include a set of posters and a hand-made book based on […]

Light splinters

Light through acrylic by Szewska

Szewska is working towards her most adventurous installation yet, bringing together several of her obsessions including 3D, motion, and the manipulation of light, colors, and shadows. “Up on the roof” was inspired by a life lived at the top of tall buildings in central London. The work came about when sitting out on the roof, […]